Blackhills FC Air Quality Practice Policy

Blackhills FC Air Quality Practice Policy

Air Quality Practice Policy 


For the safety of our children and families attending training, Blackhills FC has an Air Quality Policy.


First and foremost, if at any time you believe it is unsafe for your child or family to attend training due to the air quality, please stay home.


If at 2:00 PM on the day of training the air quality reaches Red Unhealthy”, all trainings will be cancelled. This is by nature a hour-by-hour decision and requires last minute checking of the club website, email, text messages and AirNow.  You can check the air quality at (search Tumwater).   

Important:  if the air quality reaches Orange (see map) “Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups”, those with asthma may experience health effects.  Again, please do what is best for you and your family. 


Your BFC Team Manager will be given information to distribute regarding practice cancellations.  Due to vacations, internet provider outages, computer glitches and other factors you should also check the Club Website, Blackhills FC Facebook page, text messages and www.AirNow.Gov