Blackhills FC Inclement Weather Practice Policy

Blackhills FC Inclement Weather Practice Policy

Inclement Weather Practice Policy

For the safety of our children, families and for communication purposes the Blackhills FC has an Inclement Weather Policy.


If you believe it is unsafe for you to travel to practice due to road/weather conditions in your area, please stay home.

If Olympia School District school is cancelled, or after school sports are cancelled, then Blackhills FC practices that are located in stadiums on the field turf and at the soccer complex are cancelled.

If there is snow/ice on the field, even if school may be open, the field is deemed unplayable and practice cancelled.  (This is by its nature an hour-by-hour decision and requires last minute checking of the club website and email.)  This determination will be made by 2:00 PM.

Your BFC Team Manager will be given information to distribute regarding practice cancellations.  Due to vacations, internet provider outages, computer glitches and other factors you should also check the club website if you have any questions.